
The members of the European Permaculture Network will over time launch different activities for its members and the public. 

Active activities are listed below.

EuPN Certified PermaHub

Assurance program

Welcome to the Assurance Program at the EuPN, a community dedicated to nurturing sustainable living and learning across Europe.

Our assurance program is designed to connect permaculture practitioners, educators, and enthusiasts, fostering a rich ecosystem of knowledge, skills, and collaboration - and trust.

PermaPuheet - the PermaTalks


The PermaTalks, originally "PermaPuheet" (Finnish term for "permatalks,") is a permaculture online lecture series which runs in Finland since 2020 - every year in the beginning of the year - one lecture a week - usually every Thursday at 18:30 EET. 

Teachers introduce one topic of their choice and teach for 30 to 90 minutes. At the end of the sessions there is usually a Q&A. After the lecture and Q&A has finished there is an Open Space for about 30 minutes. 

EuPN Monthly Members Call

Monthly member call

The monthly member call is an exclusive event for our members. Every member can participate. 

It is for our members to network - to get to know permaculture practitioners from all over Europe. 

Depending on the amount of participants we either talk about what is happening in our projects and share the current development. If you want to present your homestead / farm use the form below.