Category: Project
Country: Spain

La Casa Integral

Established in: 2020
Open days: Yes

La Casa Integral is a workers cooperative for Permaculture Designers and Regenerative Practitioners.

Our project has three branches:

1/ The Training Team (Regenerative Solutions for the Individual, online and in-person)

2/ The Design Studio (Regenerative Solutions for the Home / Family, online and on-site, up to 200km radius from our home)

3/ Our Suburban PermaHub / Demonstration Site (Regenerative Solutions shared with the Community of the Vallalta, Alt Maresme, Barcelona, Catalunya)

EuPN Member Image
sharing design work
course on waste water regeneration and reusing
SIRAR aquatic garden bed and siphon
SIRAR 3 levels

Contact details


Avinguda Andalusia 1212
08490 Tordera Barcelona

info [at]

Social media

Avinguda Andalusia 1212
08490 Tordera
Direction via Google
EuPN Assured Teacher Badge

Aline VaMo

My passion for permaculture started in 2011, when I got on a roller coaster of courses after learning about the concept at the Gaia Education's EDE Ecological Dimension on Mallorca.
course on waste water regeneration and reusing
SIRAR aquatic garden bed and siphon
SIRAR 3 levels